Is this the end of the chain? No, because the belt only fits bikes with a speedhub like the Rohloff speedhub.
The frame needs to be ‘belt-drive ready’. That means that the back fork needs to have an opening so the belt can get to its place.
With a chain you are able to open the chain with a tool. A belt is made of one long carbon fibre, so not divisible.
We have several beltdrive Koga Signatures and Santosses in our showroom.
The maintenance free bike is one step closer. Rohloff speedhub, Son hubdynamo, hydraulic brakes and Gates beltdrive.
Sprockets are available in 19, 20, 24 en 25 teeth and cost (depending on the size) around € 100-.
Chainrings are with 46, 50 and 55 teeth, price (depending on the size) around: € 140,-.
Belts are available in 113, 115, 118, 120, 122 en 125 ‘tandjes’ and cost € 120,-.
Watch out: you cant just switch sprockets and belts! Look, a chain you can shorten a bit a taking out some links. Look, a chain you can shorten by taking out some links. A belt has a fixed lenght, and comes in combination with a chainring and a sprocket. On Gates’s website you are able to calculate your perfect combination.
Eric’s video: